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ACE EQUITY Nxt..is a Windows based application where the product data is hosted in cloud. Product provides comprehensive financial data of listed and private companies. The company financial information is available for more than 40,000 Indian companies, including 7,000 listed and 33,000 private with 1750 unique financial data fields compiled from the Annual Report. It also provides company’s non-financial information such as board of directors, share holding pattern, Corporate actions etc. The application is designed in such a manner that with minimal clicks user can achieve the desired output
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: Stock Broking; Family Office; Corporate; Insurance; Portfolio Managers; Banks; Advisory & Consulting; UHNI Government; Private Equity & Venture Capital; Investment Advisors; Investment Banking; Financial Media; Business Schools
A Windows base application tool for Mutual Fund Research to access a universe of Indian mutual funds scheme across 42+ asset management companies with handy features such as scheme funds factsheet, portfolio, performance, ratios, comparison and query tools.
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: Wealth Management; Private Wealth; Portfolio Managers; Mutual Fund AMC; IFA; Stock Broker; Banks; Robo Advisors; RIA; Business School; Financial Media
ACM Digital Library provides access to 53 peer reviewed scholarly journals; 8 technical magazines including Communications of the ACM (ACMs flagship magazine), ACM’s complete collection of conference proceedings, containing over 2,500 volumes of scholarly materials; and 37 technical newsletters sponsored by ACM’s technical Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
ACM DL Read –and-Publish model: All corresponding authors from the Institute can publish in ACM Journals without paying Article Processing Charges (APC).You may view more information at https://www.acm.org/publications/openaccess#acmopen
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: Academic Literature
The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Annual Reviews. It releases an annual volume of review articles relevant to the fields of industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and human resource management.
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: Academic Literature
An internationally renowned journal of current research and theory with open commentary. Particularly significant and controversial pieces of work are published from researchers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology or cognitive science, together with 20-40 commentaries on each article from specialists within and across these disciplines, plus the author's response to them
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: Psychology; Neuroscience, Cognitive Science
The Bloomberg Professional Service is a research tool for financial professionals as well as business academics who require in-depth and timely access to current business and company news, and financial and economic data. The database provides financial information on equities, stock market indices, commodities, fixed-income securities, currencies, and futures for both international and domestic markets. It provides annual reports of the companies generally for last 10 years. The Bloomberg imparts current and historical information about the board members, designation, their tenure in a board, educational qualification, contact details, etc
Access Method: Terminal Based Databases
Subject Area: Company Financial Data; Banking & Financial Services; Annual Reports; Credit Ratings; CSR/ ESG
Business Standard Newspaper covers news relating to Indian economy, infrastructure, global commerce and business, stock markets, currency markets, and corporate governance.
Access to 21 years of archives Business Standard ePaper: https://epaper.business-standard.com/
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: News Papers & Magazines; Indian Economy; Global Commerce and Business; Stock Markets; Corporate Governance.
The Businessline newspaper provides news relating to Companies, Markets, Portfolio, Opinion, & Economy. Digital site archives since 2009;
2 months e-paper archives; Access to Mobile App
For the registration link and steps, please follow the registration steps guide.
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: Newspapers & Magazines; Companies; Markets; Portfolio; Opinion; Economy
Cambridge Ebooks EBA collection is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and academic institutions. With its vast collection of high-quality ebooks, regular updates, and perpetual access model, it is an excellent investment for anyone looking to build a comprehensive digital library.
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: E-books on Business, Management, Economics, Law, Marketing Psychology, History, Literature, Social Sciences etc.
A collection of around 900 e-books from Cambridge University Press is on Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) mode. "Search Books" and select "Only show content I have access to".
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: E-books on Business, Management, Economics, Law, Marketing Psychology, History, Literature, Social Sciences etc.
S&P Capital IQ Pro platform bringing together an unrivaled breadth and depth of data, news, and research, combined with tech-forward productivity tools. It provides sector-specific, data-rich, and hyper-targeted solutions to meet the changing needs of businesses.
For receiving login credentials, please send email to library@iimk.ac.in
Access Method: One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: Public company financials, estimates, ownership, and transaction data; Deep industry data; Private company and private markets data; Expert opinions and forecasts ; ESG scores, news, analytics, and solutions; Supply chain intelligence; Timely breaking news; Credit risk indicators and research; Real-time market prices.
Capitaline database offers robust analytical tools together with fundamental and market data on more than 55000 Indian listed and unlisted companies classified under more than 300 industries, along with powerful analytical tools. In-depth information and analysis on every aspect of a company, including its directors, more than 15 years of financials (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow, consolidated financial data, segment data, forex data, R&D data, and ratios), quarterly results, ownership structure, finished products, raw materials, share price information, directors' report, management discussion, notes to account, business news, corporate events, CSR, etc.
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing the database. Access activation Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: Company and Financial Data; IPO / Stock Market Data; Industry Data
Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) is an interdisciplinary organization committed to assisting academics, graduate students, and professionals in learning about recent advancements in various areas of research methods and statistics.
Access to 180+ recorded lectures from internationally recognized scholars on a variety of research methods.
Access Method: One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: Video Library; Research Methodology
The Case Centre is the world’s largest repository of case studies used in teaching Management subjects and allied disciplines.
NB: Please use this facility only for searching/viewing the inspection copies, and DO NOT order cases directly. The Institute WILL NOT entertain bills for which there is no official approval.
Access Method: IP Authentication + No Registration Required
Subject Area: case studies
CapEx contains investment proposals, including the creation of new capacity. It concerns the publicizing of such projects, their execution, and their ultimate fruition in new capacities. It recognizes recently announced initiatives and monitors their development all the way to completion. Useful tabulations of the trend in capital investment since 1995–1996 may be found in the aggregates section.
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: India Centric Content; Investment projects
Commodities service provides comprehensive insights into Agriculture and Non-Agriculture Commodities. It delivers price data on 185 commodities from 3,291 markets. These prices are based on CMIE's own price polling machinery. Prices are also sourced from other official sources. The service also provides detailed demand-supply data and market intelligence on Agriculture Commodities. Commodities provide time-series data on area, production, yield, the value of the output of agricultural crops, and weekly updates on the progress of sowing. This is the most comprehensive source of fundamental data on crops in India. Besides delivering copious historical data, Commodities also provide forecasts for the area, production, and yield of crops. These forecasts are generated by researchers at CMIE based on quantitative analysis and close and continuous monitoring of prices, sowing, and the weather.
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: India Centric Content; Socio-Economic Indicators and statistics; Commodity price, market intelligence, forecast
CMIE - Consumer Pyramids DX has conducts consumer pyramids household survey, longitudinal survey and fast frequency survey inorder to measure and analyse household wellbeing in india. It is a fast-frequency portrayal of living standards of Indian households. Consumer Pyramids DX include the following databases;
1. People of India Dx: A moving kaleidoscope of the attributes of Indian people (The best source to access the most recent and reliable data on the basic identities of the Indian people). Data on 1.26 mln people since 2014
2. Aspirational India Dx: Snapshots of Household Wealth & Wants and Comforts & Perceptions (Explore household assets and amenities, household sentiments, their perceptions and decisions regarding the purchase of assets or to make investments). Over 236,000 observations since 2014
3. Income Pyramids Dx: Unravel India's prosperity, its great middle class and its poverty (Income Pyramids database enables the study of seasonality of household incomes, volatility of incomes, growth in incomes, changing composition of household incomes and a lot more). Incomes of 488,000 individuals since 2014
4. Consumption Pyramids Dx: An exploration of consumption spending by Indian households (Consumption Pyramids fills a serious gap in the official Indian statistical system. It delivers fast-frequency data on consumption expenditure of households). Over 4.56 mln observations since 2014
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: India Centric Content; Socio-Economic Indicators and statistics; Household, Amenities and Assets
Economic Outlook offers unbiased analysis and short- to medium-term forecasts about the Indian economy. The service compiles a time series of more than 500,000 indicators from numerous reputable and authoritative sources.
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: India Centric Content; Socio-Economic Indicators and statistics; Household, Amenities and Assets; GDP, SDP and DDP
Industry Outlook provides a well-balanced presentation of data, analysis, and forecasts on 209 industries. The service draws upon data available from government sources, industry and trade associations, commodity markets, firm-level databases, and project-level information. It weaves these disparate sources into meaningful and well-organized presentations of the current and prospective trends in Indian industries. Expected creation of new capacities, projected financial performance, market share, price movements of commodities, demand-supply balances or gaps in the future - these are some of the indicators that Industry Outlook provides information on. Industry Outlook is particularly useful in understanding the current and expected trends in the economic environment in which your industry operates. These are your suppliers' industries, your customers' industries, or your competing industries. These are the industries that credit officers lend to. These are the industries that fund managers invest in. For business schools, these are the industries that the students will get into. Industry Outlook is indispensable because it is comprehensive. The service draws upon data available from government sources, industry and trade associations, commodity markets, firm-level databases, and project-level information. It weaves these disparate sources into meaningful and well-organized presentations of the current and prospective trends in Indian industries. Industry Outlook provides a well-balanced presentation of data, analysis, and forecasts on a large number of industries. It presents the following kinds of information:-
- Demand & Supply: Capacity and production details sourced from associations and government, foreign trade from DGCIS, and prices from diverse sources, including CMIE-polled prices, are presented here.
- Annual Financials: We present aggregate and company-level financial performances, including analytical ratios and cost structures.
- Market Share: This is an insightful compilation of shares of companies in products of industry.
- Quarterly Financials: For listed companies.
- Stocks: We present the valuation metrics of listed companies.
- CapEx: Trends in proposals to create new capacities, their completions, stalling, abandonments, or revivals are provided along with their distribution by States and by Ownership.
- Annual Survey of Industries: Aggregate financial data based on a survey of factories by the Union government is presented.
- Forecasts: We provide forecasts on demand & supply indicators, financial performances, and CapEx. Results of RBI's Industry Outlook Survey are also available.
- Analysis: We present our short essays giving insights into what data and news tell us about the industries.
- Monthly Review: A review of each industry is published every month.
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: IP Authentication + One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: India Centric Content; Industry Data
Prowess is a delivery of the Prowess database that is dx specially designed for academia. It facilitates easy download of large amounts of data from the Prowess database. Prowess India delivers data for over 50,000 companies. dx It provides a time series of financial and market data since 1990. The database does not suffer any deliberate survival bias.
The service facilitates storage of specific files used to download data, sharing of the specific files and replicaon of downloads. Prowess delivers the data as dx delimited text files. The service envisages users processing the downloaded data in professional statistical packages or using their own software.
The database includes the following kinds of information:
(Individual Registration using IIMK email ID is required for accessing service. Registration Steps and links are available in the Registration Steps guide)
Access Method: One Time Registration(using iimk email)
Subject Area: Company and Financial Data; Industry Data; India Centric Content; IPO / Stock Market Data; Mergers and Acquisitions