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Circulation Policy of LIC IIMK

01. Library & Information Centre (LIC) Opening Hours
Days Working Hours(Circulation Counter) Reference Hours

Monday to Saturday

8: 00 AM to 9.30 PM 24 Hours


Closed 24 Hours

National Holidays

Closed 24 Hours

Nalanda: Library and Information Centre (LIC) is a creative and strategic partner in the teaching, learning, and research activities of the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK). LIC continues to add value through its state-of-the-art collection and information services, backed by its vast and varied information resources. In addition, the LIC's web portal has become the gateway for all information and learning resources for the IIMK community. IIMK LIC is fully computerised, and entire holdings can be accessed through the following link with shelf location.

The borrowing privileges for each category member for each item are given below

Sl No. Member Category Books Magazines**/ Journals**/ Children's books
Entitlement(No. of Books) Loan Duration Renewal Entitlement Loan Duration Renewal


Faculty Members


90 days

3 Times*


30 days

2 time*


Staff Members


60 days

2 Times*


30 days

2 time*


PhD Students


60 days

2 Times*


30 days

2 time*


PG Students


30 days

2 Times*


30 days

2 time*


Family Card


14 days

2 Times*


14 days

2 time*

* Subject to the reservation policy
** Back issues only

Kindle electronic reader is designed and marketed by Amazon. Kindle paperwhite is the most widely used kindle device. IIMK LIC have 10 Kindle paperwhite devices. Kindles connected with Wi-Fi and web search from the reading page itself. The Kindle Paperwhite uses a unique lighting system to illuminate its electronic ink display; rather than using a backlight as on LCD-based tablets, the Paperwhite uses a transparent light guide that directs light from four edge-mounted LEDs down toward the surface of the display. All the kindles are given unique IDs and passwords individually to make the purchased book available on the device. In addition to this, we have a kindle unlimited subscription also. Through a kindle unlimited subscription, you will get unlimited books on six devices at a time. The maximum number of unlimited kindle books that can be added to a device is 20 at a time. For all the kindle related services, please approach the LIC circulation counter.

  • All the registered LIC patrons with a valid ID card can borrow the kindle device for reference by depositing their ID card between 9:00 am to 5:30 pm on all working days.
  • Borrowers are not allowed to carry the kindle device out of the LIC premises.
  • Users can borrow one Kindle device at a time on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • The respective user is responsible for any damage to the device at the time of use. If the damage is beyond repair, the borrower agrees to replace the device with the latest device.
  • The user should return the Kindle device to the circulation counter before 5.30 pm.
  • A late fee of Rs: 5/- per day will be charged if the item is not returned before 5:30 pm.
  • The user was directed to approach the counter staff to borrow and return the device.
  • Kindles must be returned in person to staff at the circulation desk. If any damages occurred during the loan period should be intimated to the counter staff.
  • No Application/Software/Hardware to be installed and any user data files to be stored. The borrower will be responsible for any damage to a laptop if they try to troubleshoot problems.

Fine on overdue items will be charged at Rs 2.00 per day per item for all users.

  • Please bring the institute ID card while using LIC services.
  • All kinds of bags are not allowed inside the library, except for laptop sleeves. Keep your personal belongings at the property counter.
  • Eating and sleeping inside the library are strictly prohibited.
  • Please maintain decorum, peace and silence inside the LIC.
  • All users are requested to keep their mobiles in switched off or silent mode in the LIC.
  • Audible use of electronic gadgets are allowed only at designated areas.
  • Food, drinks and smoking are strictly restricted inside the LIC.
  • Any violation may lead to strict disciplinary action.
  • At all times, LIC users will respect prevailing IPR/copyright rules for any LIC material issued to or downloaded by them. Only up to 10% of a document or one chapter or one article can be photocopied at any given point. Photocopying of any document cover to cover is prohibited. Users must not install, download, copy, or distribute copyrighted materials without the written permission of the Librarian.
  • LIC resources such as books, journals, electronic materials, etc., are costly and often rare. They are for the benefit of the present and the future members of the LIC. Therefore, readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage LIC resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the total replacement cost of the resource. Furthermore, reading material borrowed from the LIC should be protected from Rain, Dust, Insects, etc.
  • Before leaving the issue counter, members should consider whether the LIC material lent to them is in good condition or not. If not, they should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the LIC staff at the issue counter; otherwise, they are responsible for replacing the material or paying such compensation as per the LIC policy.
  • Books removed from the shelves by students should be kept on the table nearest to them if not required for reference. Please do not try to shelve them yourself.
  • The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the newspaper rack.
  • The LIC is a place for self-study and research; members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the LIC premises.
  • Users are not allowed to borrow books on behalf of other users.
  • No visitor or guest is permitted to use the LIC without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • Book search stations (OPAC) are meant for searching the resources subscribed/purchased by LIC. Therefore, accessing personal emails, Facebook, chatting etc., are not allowed.
  • No photograph of the LIC shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • Users are not allowed to wear shorts/ three-fourth pants/tracksuits/ night suits in LIC (Please refer Student's Hand Book for more details).
  • Members should keep the LIC informed of any change of address during the period of their membership.
  • Suggestions regarding the purchase of books/other materials, subscriptions, improvement of LIC services, feedback etc., may be sent at

The Librarian reserve the rights to cancel the membership and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the LIC or indulges in any other type of misconduct.

  • Reference titles will not be issued to any user. However, the Librarian may consider allowing selected titles to faculty members and researchers case to cases.
  • The LIC account holder's family members and authorised person can borrow books from the LIC based on the authorisation email/letter from the account holder. However, the registered user will be responsible for all such transactions.
  • Books may be renewed up to 3 times to faculty and 2 times to staff and students provided there is no reservation against such titles.
  • For books/other reading material, the borrowers should present the same along with their Identity card to the staff at the circulation counter.
  • The 'Issue Transaction Slip' should be handed over to the attendant/security at the checkpoint/exit before taking the issued books out of the LIC premises.
  • Books should be brought physically for return and renewals.
  • The borrower is fully responsible for the books/any other material borrowed in his/her account. Hence, members are advised not sub-lend the materials borrowed from the LIC.
  • A document may be recalled in exceptional cases before the due date if required urgently in the LIC. Failure to respond promptly to such requests may lead to suspension of LIC privileges.
  • Suppose the borrower fails to return the book(s) within a reasonable time of its due date, as indicated in the recall notice; in that case, the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book and other applicable charges.
  • For the issue of new arrivals, priority will be given to the member who recommended the book.
  • Members proceeding on extended leave or leaving the station for any other purpose exceeding one month should return the documents borrowed by him/her before leaving the Institute.
  • Reference books and CD ROMS can be borrowed overnight by depositing his/her ID card. However, these items have to be returned to LIC the next day before noon. Any user who fails to return will not be allowed to borrow such reference items in future.
  • All users can borrow a maximum of three (3) books from the children section at any point in time.

Books (that are issued to other members) can be reserved through the LIC OPAC. On receipt of the reserved books, the concerned member will be intimated to collect the reserved item. The patron who reserved the title should collect the same within 24 hours upon receipt of the collection notice. The reservation lapses automatically after 24 hours, and the next person on the list of reservations gets priority. The library will maintain the requested curriculum books under reserve sequence for a limited period as per faculty requirements.

The LIC has a robust Inter-library loan (ILL) facility in place. Therefore, IIMK members who want any reading material from other IIMs, IITs, NITs, Universities etc., may approach the LIC staff to avail of this service.

Members may get photocopies of selected chapters/portion of non-issuable resources as per the prevailing copyright act. This service is on payment of prescribed charges as per prevailing rates.

When an item is reported (in writing) to the LIC as lost/misplaced by the borrower, the overdue charges are not levied from the date of the report until the same is replaced. However, if the member fails to resolve the issue within two months from reporting the loss, applicable rules relating to the penalty/ overdue charges will apply. Suppose a book or any of the above material is lost or mutilated beyond usable condition. In that case, the following rules will apply: The book or any of the above material must be replaced with the latest edition of that material and an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag/administrative cost;

Pay the cost of the latest edition of the book or any other reading material along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag/administrative fee.

If the book/any other material is out of print or found to be of rare value, then three times the cost of the book has to be paid by the member along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- towards RFID tag/administrative fee.

When an item or other material belonging to a set is lost, the borrower is expected to replace the lost volume/issue with the same ISBN /edition or replace the entire collection at their own cost along with an additional charge of Rs. 100/- per volume towards RFID tag/ administrative cost.

Visitors are allowed from Monday to Friday, and the timing will be 9.30 AM to 5 PM, except for the exceptional cases as approved by the Librarian.

The LIC will grant external membership for an academic institution, researchers, corporates, etc. For more details, kindly refer to "External membership Form.

All employees, students and other members who leave the Institute must obtain a No Dues Certificate from the Librarian.